Privacy Policy

Who we are

This website is a product from Inforca, located at Akkerhof 50, Heerlen, The Netherlands, and is owned by René Steeman. You can contact Inforca using +31 622 155 216 or using

What data is collected

The following information is recorded when you have placed an order: your name, country, address, postcode / zip, city, optionally a phone number, email, purchased products, payment info, and any comments that you submitted. This is used to complete your order, possibly issue refunds, prevent fraud, issue taxes and marketing mails if you accepted this option. This information is stored for a maximum of 15 years to comply with tax regulations and for bookkeeping uses. This information is also shared with payment providers, including Stripe, PayPal and WooCommerce. For more information on how they process this data, please refer to their privacy policies as well as their term and conditions.

If you fill out one of our surveys, only the data that you entered will be recorded. This includes your name, responses to our questions, and contact details if you have entered these. Reviews are also seen as surveys with the addition that any information can be publicly displayed.

When using the website, analytics can be recorded. This can include how much time you spent per page and how much you have purchased. Your location, IP and browser type can also be used to estimate taxes and relevant payment systems. Note that we also use cookies, about which you can find more info in our Cookie Policy.

Storage duration

Order data, including your name and purchase, are stored indefinitely. Any information that is only needed for the transaction itself, including contact information, will be stored for a duration of 2 years. If you would like to have this data removed earlier, or if you want to see what personal information is stored, you can contact the company via phone or email.


All your sensitive data is password protected and will only be available to the owner of Inforca and/or payment providers including Stripe, PayPal and WooCommerce and/or MailChimp for marketing purposes. Any details that are required for teaching can also be shared with the instructor for your training. This includes your name and contact information. Any information will only be transmitted using HTTPS and SSL-equipped networks, meaning that the data is encrypted during transfer. All information that Inforca itself stores will be processed within the European Union, but information used by third parties can be processed outside of the EU.

Third parties

When placing an order your name, country, address, postcode / zip, city, optionally a phone number, email, purchased products, payment info, and any comments that you submitted can be shared with Stripe, PayPal and WooCommerce for fulfilling your order, fraud detection and tax information. When you also sign up to our mailing list, this information will additionally be shared with MailChimp for marketing purposes. All information that Inforca itself stores will be processed within the European Union, but information used by third parties can be processed outside of the EU.

Additional GDPR info

For users within the European Union, note that you have the following rights:

  1. The right to be informed
  2. The right of access
  3. The right to rectification
  4. The right to erasure
  5. The right to restrict processing
  6. The right to data portability
  7. The right to object
  8. Rights related to automated decision making and profiling

Additional notes

If you would like to know what information about you is stored or would like your data removed (for as far as legally possible), please contact Inforca by mail (as found above).

In case you have any questions or remarks about this privacy policy, please feel free to contact us.