Terms and Conditions

This policy applies from September 30nd, 2021


By using the website, you agree to the terms of service and the privacy policy. This includes agreeing to all laws.

User agreement

Any study material that is distributed is for personal use only and can not be shared with others who have not bought the material.


All materials are provided as-is and you take full responsibility for their use.


Inforca is not liable for any form of damages that occurred with the use of its services or products unless stated otherwise by law.

Correctness of materials

The material provided by Inforca could contain mistakes and the user should be aware of this. Inforca is not liable for any results.


Teaching material may contain references to other websites or products. Inforca can not provide guarantees for these products, and you remain responsible for their use.


Teachers are carefully selected to ensure high-quality training and materials, but it is possible that a teacher might not live up to Inforca’s standards. If this is the case, the buyer of training or teaching material from this teacher can contact Inforca to find a solution. Inforca itself only handles the website and training/materials provided by its owner.


Inforca keeps the right to modify the terms of service and will notify its customers when a change was to occur. When using Inforca’s products you agree to the latest version of these terms.

Governing laws

Inforca is located in The Netherlands and when using its services, you accept the Dutch regulations and the jurisdiction of the courts of The Netherlands.


All items and services must be paid for before they are provided, this includes training. Exceptions can be made by individual tutors for their private tutoring only.


All coupons are for personal use only and you are not allowed to share them, if you do share them or use someone else’s coupon you will be banned from all Inforca services and leads to a fine of €100.


After placing your order, you may make use of the legal return period by contacting Inforca. Note that for live trainings, refunds can not be given after they have occurred. By not attending a training without cancelling at least 48 hours in advance you give up your right for refunds (unless stated otherwise by law).